Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement
March 23, 2020 – In accordance with Covid-19 Order No. 13 that governs the temporary closing of non-essential businesses and organizations, and in order to continue to fully serve clients during the COVID-19 pandemic, McGowan & Associates has activated our remote working continuity plan to ensure our availability for uninterrupted business operations. Our Attorneys will remain available to address our clients’ risk management and litigation needs, and our commitment to provide high-quality legal services that our clients need and expect is unchanged.
The Coronavirus (Covid-19) has caused unprecedented disruption to businesses, to daily life, and the health. In this challenging time, we urge all to follow the CDC guidelines and wish everyone good health. The safety and well-being of our Staff, Attorneys, Clients, Colleagues, Families and Friends is paramount.
We are prepared to support our clients without any interruption in the excellent customer service that we are known for, regardless of whether that means working from the office or utilizing our updated and integrated technology platform of technology systems remotely.